專門提供產品模型、打樣、原型開發的服務。位於新北市三重區傳統工業區,是已經開業超過 25 年的老字號,主要透過口碑相傳。而搭配服務過的客戶囊括設計相關學生、菜鳥設計師、設計總監、機構工程師、專利開發者,從個人到一線上櫃上市的 3C 大公司都有。



除了不鏽鋼配飾之外,也致力於將不鏽鋼與其他異種材質做結合,例如: 銀、鈦、鎢鋼、黃金、K金、陶瓷、寶石等,創造更高的價值。

Goldjade factory

Taichung City

TRUNEY specializes in high quality craftsmanship level customization of products with the main goal of ensuring that your ideas become reality.

In the past years, we have done countless products for companies and individuals in different countries, and we have been able to realize all the product ideas and techniques from different needs with the advanced minting technology. We are able to complete many processes and details for you:

.General coins、rounds、medals、bars
.Ultra-High relief coins、rounds、medals、bars
.Statues、shoe-shaped ingots (Yuen Bo)
.Gold / Silver banknotes
.3D laser
.Various surface finishing
. Different metals electroplating
.Inlay objects of different materials in the product

古早的鑄造設備不是體積很大、占空間, 不然就是動輒上百萬的昂貴價錢。不是一般的人能夠負擔的成本,所我們創造了小型的鑄造設備,來因應現在小而美的潮流,讓想要經營輕創、文創的年輕人能夠用最小的資金來創造最大的利潤。也提供Art CAM、Rhino Ring、Rhino Gold、3design、Freeform、等珠寶軟體的教學。


New Taipei City

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