本廠為兩岸唯一專業生產各式五金配件製造商, 種類涵蓋拼布五金, 手作五金, 皮件五金, 箱包五金, 服飾五金, 文具五金, 鉚合機台, 模具開發等 ; 我們產品線有口金, 手機吊飾, 撞釘, 雞眼, 銅扣, 四合扣, 塑膠手把, 鉚釘, 空心釘, 五爪扣, 押扣, 牛仔扣, 登山鉤, 子母扣, 塑鋼扣, 插扣, 扣具, 鋅鉤, 狗扣, 珠鍊, 匙扣配件, 金屬包角, 鎖圈, 卡圈, 蝦扣, 鉚釘機, 雞眼機, 孔夾, 西德夾, 強力夾, 板夾等。

產品種類齊全, 台資經營, 專業服務, 信用第一, 品質優, 價格低, 只有我們才能夠滿足你的需求
免費目錄歡迎前來索取, 馬上與我們取得聯繫 !!

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New Taipei City

Metal smelting processing => Metal forming processing => Metal pipe and sheet metal processing => Turning and milling processing =>Surface treatment

Metal is processed consistently from raw material smelting to finished product,
It can be smelted and processed according to customer material requirements
and surface treatment to finished products,
Meet customer needs and create the highest metal field
(High temperature resistance, Corrosion resistance, Impact resistance, Wear resistance).

Leading metal processing JCG Industrial Co., Ltd

Undertake parts:
Life-Tables and chairs, Sports equipment, Metal bed frames, Electric fence door frames,Sidewalk fences, Barrier-free fences, Barrier-free toilet handles.

Medical-Medical equipment, Medical aids, Medical equipment, Medical tubing,Medical bed frame, Wheelchair, Scooter frame.

Transportation-Bicycle frame, Motorcycle frame, UTV car frame, ATV car frame,Automobile and motorcycle parts,Beach frame, MRT steel, Bridge steel structure.

Technology-Sputtering target, Clean room pipes, Rail pipes, Panel suction cups.

Petrochemical-CNPC reactor, Tubing.

Aerospace-High temperature resistant metal smelting, Aerospace aluminum alloy manufacturing (casting, forging), machining.

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