台北仁愛新生轉角的巷弄裡,舊公寓的暗紅瓷磚牆面間,【22 work/shop 】,如同其名。串連了展示商品的【22 shop】、行政和工作的區域【22 work】、和地下室的水泥工坊【22 workshop】。

水泥戒指、耳環,具有獨特握感的鋼珠筆與繪圖鉛筆,四度空間時鐘和手錶…等,一系列由水泥為主要材質的設計作品,在【22 shop】店內一字排開,都是由【22 workshop】多年來鑽研出的【22水泥】製作。

22 Design Studio除了發展出替各大企業量身訂製專屬的禮贈品業務外,目前自行設計製造的水泥產品在世界上也小有名氣,在工藝上的水準也領先同業。是依靠著【22 workshop】多年來對於水泥材質的熱情與執著,反覆的研究與實驗出能充分展現【22設計】重點與精髓的【22水泥】。

Too Cheap Art

Taipei City


Taipei City

IDX Limited

Taipei City

IDX Design is a strategic product design firm based in Taiwan. The founder Jeff Lai is a designer from Hong Kong, who has over 25 years of experience in product design and development in various industries; such as electronic products, cameras, audio-visual products, computer peripherals, watches, and toys.

We specialize in New Product Development (NPD) and create unique and disruptive products with a mix of methods that combine innovation and strategic foresight to enrich the user experiences and maximize the value for the end-users and the significant stakeholders.

From insightful user research through concept generation, and creating design solutions that are practical and well thought out from all aspects of product development. We use a holistic approach to define actionable and intelligent solutions that provide a positive impact and satisfy our clients and their business goals.

Our services include Design Research & Problem Identification, Concept Generation, Product Design, User Experience Design, Prototype Making, Engineering for Manufacturing, and Strategic Product Planning. Our projects are proved that we have driven innovation for our clients and connected with end-users for marketplace success.


Taipei City

Established in 2001, CRE8 is honored by iF Design as the Top 50 Design Studios Worldwide. We offer product design, branding, graphic design, packaging, UI design, mechanical engineering and production support while constantly challenging the status quo, questioning apparent constraints, and finding ways to innovate. We define and embody your vision in effective design solutions and always go an extra mile to infuse user-centered experiences and market values into the works we create.

Bondlieu ID

Taipei City


Taipei City

由工業設計大師謝榮雅先生於2010年所創辦的奇想創造(GIXIA Group),各方菁英匯聚,為擁有超過二十年技術研發與產業顧問經驗的跨域團隊。精準設計力及全方位的創新思維,使奇想創造在國際競技場上大放光彩。成軍短短一年即奪得2011德國iF金獎、Reddot首獎及美國IDEA金獎,成為年度國際設計金獎三冠王,並締造華人世界唯一在兩年內晉升iF全球百大的記錄。

Fu Mei Scissors

Taipei City

Xebe Global Inc.

Taipei City

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