
Nantou County

嘉雲製傘有限公司,於2010年在南投草屯創立。前身為合懋傘業。1987年由傘骨加工廠轉型為雨傘成品製造商後,創辦人曾氏夫婦一直是傘業界領航者,專精於生產雙層抗風雨傘。不僅在抗風傘的領域有著非常成熟的製造經驗,也是業界唯一研發自動抗風傘的雨傘製造商。在累積多年國際知名品牌及歐美外銷經驗下, 創辦人夫婦終於在1999年與美國客戶共同研發出全球第一支自動抗風傘。不僅受到許多好萊塢明星的歡迎,更成為美國前總統小布希跟英國皇室的愛用傘。此後,嘉雲團隊便一直專注於研發改良各式抗風傘骨結構。
此外,嘉雲製傘同時也是全台唯一擁有多項客製化設備的製造商。工廠設備含括塑膠射出機、自動拉布及裁剪機、熱轉印及熱昇華設備、和可印製圖案鮮明細緻的彩色數位印刷機,為客人提供完善的雨傘客製服務。材質上一律只選用優質的原物料,講求耐久使用的品質 。製傘過程中以扎實的手工技術縫製,更以嚴格的標準來檢視每一道工序。一路走來,曾氏夫婦堅持著努力不懈、慢工出細活的精神,持續帶領嘉雲製傘鞏固在雙層抗風傘市場的領導地位。

Machien Industry

Changhua County

Machien Industry is a shoelaces and webbing manufacturer and supplier located in Changhua's textile stronghold (i.e., Shengang Township). We not only provide OEM services for international brands, but also have more than 20 years of cords and textile accessories development and manufacturing experiences. Some of the product categories include fashion garments, outdoor sports and leisure products, industrial supplies, medical equipment and gifts wraps. The specific rope or strap items range from elastic strings, bias binding (cross-grain), garment strings, reflective ropes, flat shoelaces, round shoelaces, triangular shoelaces, squared shoelaces, knitted ear loops, knitted neck ropes, backpack shoulder straps, safety helmet belts, to electronic cord covers, and the like. We also offer various post-processing processing (such as lace-tipping, waxing, gift wrapping, anti-wrinkle, waterproof, flameproof, etc.) as well as certification services (such as tensile test, safety report, environmental records based on the standards of the European Union, and etc.). If you are thinking about creating new products, you are also welcome to cooperate with us to develop popular products that rock the international market.


New Taipei City

庫美諾斯(CRIMINALS) 是一個提供公司企業 學校團體 各類社團活動服裝及周邊商品訂製 . . 歡迎各大品牌 / 社團 / 單位合作

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