隨著紡織科技的進步,流行時尚服飾在生活中快速蔓延,秉持平價高品質(Goal)的休閒品牌精神(Leisure),使用原創性布料(Original)材質展現出卓越紡織專業(Remarkable),為您創造出一件又一件擁有柔順觸感(Yearn for comfort)的休閒服飾。
Eco Balance Co., Ltd. is a Taiwan based company, established in 2014. EB has professional and experienced R&D team whom have great knowledge in optic, thermal, mechanics, electrical management and LED lighting applications.
Our business is focused on the following areas of operation:
• MCPCB, PCB Quick Sampling and Prototyping.
• LED circuit design, development, sampling and manufacturing.
• Optical consulting and testing services such as integrating sphere optic measurement, analysis and simulation.
• LED lighting solutions provider, to contribute innovative products of high quality and high efficiency.
Kentec provides EMS/OEM/JDM service in Taiwan and China including PCB SMT, DIP(MI), Testing, Assembling, Packaging from semi-finished product to finished product.
With 20 years manufacturing experience in electronic industry.
6 SMT Production Lines, 2 Manual Insertion Lines, 2 Assembling Lines.
300 employees.