台北仁愛新生轉角的巷弄裡,舊公寓的暗紅瓷磚牆面間,【22 work/shop 】,如同其名。串連了展示商品的【22 shop】、行政和工作的區域【22 work】、和地下室的水泥工坊【22 workshop】。

水泥戒指、耳環,具有獨特握感的鋼珠筆與繪圖鉛筆,四度空間時鐘和手錶…等,一系列由水泥為主要材質的設計作品,在【22 shop】店內一字排開,都是由【22 workshop】多年來鑽研出的【22水泥】製作。

22 Design Studio除了發展出替各大企業量身訂製專屬的禮贈品業務外,目前自行設計製造的水泥產品在世界上也小有名氣,在工藝上的水準也領先同業。是依靠著【22 workshop】多年來對於水泥材質的熱情與執著,反覆的研究與實驗出能充分展現【22設計】重點與精髓的【22水泥】。

KINGHEART was founded in 1975 as a professional plastic injection moulding company. Initially, the company focused on the production of sewing machine housings and parts. In order to meet the needs of our customers, we provide plastic injection, assembly and packaging services, and finally, we assist our customers in moving from concept to commercialisation, thus establishing the motivation for developing new products and brands.

With over 40 years of experience in working with Japanese customers, we have accumulated expertise in manufacturing complex products to meet our customers' demands for quality. Ultimately, in the spirit of serving the crowd and benefiting the society.

For the brand LOGO, we look forward to continuing to develop assistive products with the core spirit to illuminate every day of consumers. "Day By, Day Bright" is not just a slogan!

KINGHEART specialises in the development and manufacture of professional plastic products and has registered patents worldwide. KINGHEART quality products have been exported around the world and have earned a solid reputation for over 40 years. "Quality", "Innovation" and "Responsibility" are our beliefs as always. We also continue to work on brand upgrades and global patents, KINGHEART is the best innovative brand you can trust.


New Taipei City




Taichung City

Funwood團隊有強力的40年專業木工加工經驗 , 隨著時代變遷和客戶設計需求,我們有著專業的產品設計團隊和一條龍的製造產線,不僅提供高品質和技術的代工服務,且有專業的設計團隊配合開發新產品。提供品質優良的 16種實木進口材料 / 竹子材料, 從 "設計" 到 "打樣" 或者是 "量產" 都可以服務的團隊, 台灣及大陸都有工廠, Funwood都能提供給您最完善的服務 , 注重環保的我們, 從生產到表面處理的塗料 ,都符合玩具美規及歐規等級的標準 ,保護好客人的健康, 是我們的堅持。

2018年成立設計品牌 Fünwood,是一個以簡單、有趣與創意的木製文具、禮品、家庭用品的品牌.

以”木”為媒介,運用"異材質" 的結合,以結合金質木質拼接工藝的呈現,喚醒人們追隨美好的生活樣態,Funwood想帶給大家的,是一片「會發光的森林」,以「木藝創價」為品牌核心,將「木質」與「金質」工藝融合,讓產品也散發出木頭溫暖與金屬時尚感,除榮獲2019美國Luxury Life Style Award、更受到2019 台灣OTOP產品設計大賞的肯定,2019 台中新創設計獎,2019金點設計獎.
我們使用的創新材料( 木材與金屬的結合 ) , 獨特性-擁有複合式材質專利,專利號碼 M551969

我們的產品屬於家居飾品類 , 請見網站 : https://www.funwood2017.com/ ,

Gnfar DIsplay Service

New Taipei City


New Taipei City

Rich Easy was established in 1987 situated in TaiChung, Taiwan, since establishment, Rich Easy's focus has been on researching and developing in high quality plastic production. Though nearly 30 years of experience and dedication in our research and development, the quality of services we provide is in the forefront of plastic injection and production. And thanks to our dedicated R&D department in mould making, we are also experienced in providing comprehensive packaging solution Design services. That's why the essences of our company belief has always been about achieving our customers vision and need.
Rich Easy's range of offering are mainly plastic related, particularly customised design, moulding and production of hand held tools, cosmetic packaging, electrical components and much more. Management strongly believes in “Producing high quality plastic products and not compromise on cost/quality”, with this strategy in mind, the past 30 years Rich Easy have strive hard towards upgrading production and maximise quality. With our goal and vision set to expend towards the global market, we are always on the forefront in developing new plastic solutions, becoming a true in vanguard in plastic injection moulding.

FIPEA Design

New Taipei City


業務著重於商業空間與室內設計兼具平面設計整合行銷規劃,提供一條龍(total solution)的整合性服務為顧客打造有效的行銷策略與戰術。 服務項目包括展店企劃、行銷策略制定與執行、公關策略與活動、平面廣告、包裝設計、廣告招牌、創意活動、記者會、研討會、晚會(年會)..等業務。


Taichung City

專門受委託模型製作 包括外觀模型、機構模型、 功能模型及矽膠暫用模具等等


並擁日本MAKINO 5軸精緻铣床 & LITE600 工業級 SLA 3D列印機



Taipei City

由工業設計大師謝榮雅先生於2010年所創辦的奇想創造(GIXIA Group),各方菁英匯聚,為擁有超過二十年技術研發與產業顧問經驗的跨域團隊。精準設計力及全方位的創新思維,使奇想創造在國際競技場上大放光彩。成軍短短一年即奪得2011德國iF金獎、Reddot首獎及美國IDEA金獎,成為年度國際設計金獎三冠王,並締造華人世界唯一在兩年內晉升iF全球百大的記錄。


Hsinchu County

設計團隊運用自然素材為媒介,連結使用者與物體間的親身體驗,讓人與物產生「共生情感」,並詮釋手感的呈現方式。 我們設計生活用品、創新科技產品、設計服務。

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